• Paul MillerNeighbor

  • Dale City, VA


<b>Phone: </b>703-989-0535

<b>Email: </b>pmillerk&#64;gmu.edu

<b>Hometown</b>: Yalova, Turkey

<strong>Birthday: </strong>October 23

<b>Short Bio<br><br></b>Paul&#39;s travelled across Europe and Turkey, performing in symphonic orchestra&#39;s and taking in the world as it came. A senior at George Mason University, he&#39;s studying Communication with a focus in Public Relations. He&#39;s also majoring in Procrastination on the side, with a focus of video games and spontaneous reading amongst loud music.

<br><b>Beliefs <br></b><br><i>At Patch, we promise always to report the facts as objectively as possible and otherwise adhere to the principles of good journalism. However, we also acknowledge that true impartiality is impossible and human beings have beliefs. So in the spirit of simple honesty, our policy is to encourage our editors to reveal certain key beliefs to the extent they feel comfortable. <br><br>This disclosure is not a license for our editors to inject these beliefs into stories or to dictate coverage according to them. In fact, the intent is the opposite: we hope that the knowledge that our beliefs are on the record will force us to be ever mindful to write, report, and edit in a fair, balanced way. And if you, the user, ever think you see evidence that we failed in this mission, we wholeheartedly invite you to let us know.</i><br><br><br><b>Politics</b>

<i>How would you describe your political beliefs?</i>

A conservative whom hopes people could be just a tad liberal. Confusing? Yeah. I know.


<i>How religious would you say you are? Casual, observant, devout, non-religious?</i>

I was raised in an Islamic family, which remains the only religion I find myself identifying with. That said, I&#39;m beginning to read the Bible, will continue into the Torah, and will try to find a decent interpretation of the Qur&#39;an. Militant Atheism is cool too.<br><br><b>Local Hot Button Issues</b>

<i>What do you think are the most important issues facing the community?</i>

Gas prices aren&#39;t as bad as they could be, but they still hurt something fierce. That coupled with transportation issues (no one else thinks the traffic here is hideous?) and constant promises for new jobs from the same crusty politicians. To top things off, I genuinely despise larger chain companies putting smaller family business under, something I&#39;ve seen happen a lot over the past 6 months.

<i>Where do you stand on each of these issues?</i>

Where gas is a third of what it could be (look at Europe for the past 40 years), our economy isn&#39;t repairing itself like it should. Government officials running for [fill in the blank] have been promising higher employment opportunities for communities at large, yet all I&#39;ve seen is public sector companies creating identical jobs to those already established by the private sector. Since government establishments get to flourish under the 401(c), private industry is consistently shanked by the &#34;promise for more work.&#34; 

Got some questions or comments? Email me at pmillerk&#64;gmu.edu

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